Bentley Raceway and Cable Management CONNECT Edition Help

To Include Equipment Name when Importing from Excel

Bentley Raceway and Cable Management has the functionality to import Equipment from an Excel spreadsheet by utilizing X,Y,Z coordinates and equipment IDs. You can also add a column to the spreadsheet to specify the Equipment Name instead of using generic junction boxes for all imported equipment. The Equipment name as defined in the EQP_Equipment_name.XML files is used to define which equipment will be automatically placed using X,Y,Z coordinates with Equipment ID defined in the import file.
  1. To import specific equipment list, add an additional attribute (column) in the equipment list to define the Equipment Name.
    The equipment names (must match names defined in the EQP_Equipment_name.XML file as shown below.
  2. Adjust the Equipment_Import.XML file to include a column with Equipment name and save changes. In the example below Equipment name is defined in column E, so Equipment Name property is mapped to column E.
  3. Run the Equipment Import process.
  4. elect the Equipment import files.
  5. In the Review Differences dialog accept the import all of the new equipment.
    If any of the equipment names are not found in the dataset, a message similar to one below will come up.
  6. (Optional) - To resolve any issues with invalid equipment names, make changes to the Equipment name (use equipment name available in the dataset) and repeat the Equipment Import procedure. The equipment is now automatically placed in DGN file according to coordinates, equipment IDs and equipment names defined in the import files.